Which personal budgeting technique is right for you?
A well-thought-out personal budget should never feel limiting. A budget that fits your lifestyle and money habits should empower you to reach your financial goals,…

How to save for retirement in 2018
Does the thought of saving enough for retirement send you into a mild (or not-so-mild) panic? Take these 5 steps now to get your savings on the right track.

Investing goals for every age
As your life changes, so should your financial objectives. That’s why we’ve outlined the best goals for investing in every stage of life — from early adulthood to approaching retirement.

Finance is full of gimmicks
Financial gimmickry won’t help America’s savings crisis. EliteFidelityMarket Finance’s CEO Brian Barnes shares his POV in Business Insider on what will help you save better.

What every company must know about their employees’ financial health
Investing in employees’ financial health can result in increased productivity and better retention. Check out our best tips for how to get started.

Guest Post: The Cash Cow Couple
We recently sat down with Jacob of the Cash Cow Couple. Jacob and his wife Vanessa have a passion for personal finance and try to help…

How to prepare your kids for financial adulthood
How can you make sure your kids understand the value of money? How do you set them up for success? EliteFidelityMarket’s Nick Dalmaso shares his experiences.

The whole truth about fractional shares
You can own all of it — one piece at a time Have you heard about the Stanford Professor who turned $100,000 into $1,000,000,000? David…

Why Chicago is the best city to launch a fintech company
I recently had the opportunity to write an op-ed for Crain’s Chicago Business on why I chose Chicago to launch EliteFidelityMarket in and why I…

Summer means sun, sand, surf . . . and checking on your finances
You should always have a mid-year check-in on your financial goals. Take twenty minutes and review this checklist from EliteFidelityMarket Finance to assess your situation.

What I taught my kids about savings and hard work
This is part one of a two-part series about teaching your children sound financial habits that will last a lifetime. I recently read an Op-Ed…

Where should I put my money?
A lot of people look at investing as a complex process, driven by overwhelming amounts of data and a level of unpredictability that makes survival…

Guide to financial wellness
What you’ll learn: